For a limited time, 20% of listed price.
For information about each blend click here.
For great blends to deal with emotional and or physical challenges click here. This is a great chart to print off and refer to often.
LeAboutFace 10ml |
$22.75 | |
LeAcknowledge 10 ml |
$29.75 | |
LeAgeless 10ml |
$26.25 | |
LeAngel 10ml |
$18.81 | |
LeAspire 10 ml |
$10.94 | |
LeAssurance 10 ml |
$15.75 | |
LeAway 10 ml |
$24.50 | |
LeBaby Me 10 ml | $21.88 | |
LeBalance 10 ml | $17.50 | |
LeBelieve 10 ml | $22.75 | |
LeBeloved 10 ml | $16.63 | |
LeBenediction 10 ml | $30.63 | |
LeBountiful 10 ml | $18.83 | |
LeBreezey 10 ml | $13.13 | |
LeCandila 10 ml | $22.75 | |
LeCherish 10 ml | $63.00 | |
LeCinnamonBear 10 ml | $7.88 | |
LeConnection 10 ml | $14.88 | |
LeCrystal Clear 10 ml | $12.69 | |
LeCypernium 10 ml | $15.31 | |
LeDeeper 10 ml | $16.63 | |
LeDelicate 10 ml | $15.75 | |
LeDeliverance 10 ml | $16.63 | |
LeDiscernment 10 ml | $19.25 | |
LeDreams 10 ml | $24.06 | |
LeEndoRelief 10 ml | $14.44 | |
LeEnergy 10 ml | $13.56 | |
LeEternity 10 ml | $13.13 | |
LeEverlasting 10 ml | $21.00 | |
LeExhilaration 6 ml | $28.88 | |
LeExpressions 6 ml | $52.50 | |
LeEZ Traveler 10 ml | $17.06 | |
LeFaith 10 ml | $22.31 | |
LeFocus 10 ml | $22.75 | |
LeGoodnite 10 ml | $9.19 | |
LeGrace 6 ml | $21.00 | |
LeGrateful Heart 10 ml | $19.25 | |
LeHeart Song 10 ml | $18.18 | |
LeHoliday Spirit 10 ml | $10.94 | |
LeHousewarming 10 ml | $9.19 | |
LeInner Peace 10 ml | $34.13 | |
LeInsideOut 10 ml | $15.75 | |
LeInsight 10 ml | $15.75 | |
LeIntention 10 ml | $9.19 | |
LeIQ 10 ml | $26.69 | |
LeJourney 10ml | $22.75 | |
LeJulia 10ml | $12.69 | |
LeKadence 10ml | $12.25 | |
LeKey to My Heart 10ml | $13.13 | |
LeKindred Spirit 10ml | $25.38 | |
LeLetting Go 10ml | $28.00 | |
LeLife Force 10ml | $20.56 | |
LeLiteN 10ml | $10.50 | |
LeLivN 10ml | $28.00 | |
LeMagi 10ml | $21.00 | |
LeMariah 10ml | $21.00 | |
LeMeditation 10ml | $32.81 |
LeMelaPlus 10ml | $11.81 | |
LeMillenia 10ml | $21.00 | |
LeMoonlight 10ml | $25.38 | |
LeMyGraine 10ml | $18.38 | |
LeNoMore 10ml | $14.44 | |
LePaine 10ml | $12.69 | |
LePatches 10ml | $15.31 | |
LePurify 10ml | $12.25 | |
LeQuietEssence 10ml | $19.25 | |
LeReconciliation 10ml | $26.25 | |
LeReflections 10ml | $14.00 | |
LeRefreshmint 10ml | $11.81 | |
LeRevitalize 10ml | $21.88 | |
LeSafeGuard 10ml | $26.25 | |
LeSanctuary 10ml | $11.81 | |
LeSego Lily 10ml | $17.94 | |
LeSimplicity 10ml | $16.19 | |
LeSolitude 10ml | $17.94 | |
LeSpiceC 10ml | $14.44 | |
LeStefanie 10ml | $28.00 | |
LeSunburst 10ml | $9.19 | |
LeSynopsis 10ml | $10.50 | |
LeTendaCare 10ml | $14.00 | |
LeThermaCare 10ml | $17.50 | |
LeTomorrow 10ml | $38.50 | |
LeTranquility 10ml | $15.75 | |
LeTrust 10ml | $28.00 | |
LeTurmoil 10ml | $32.38 | |
LeUnDone 10ml | $36.75 | |
LeUnity 10ml | $21.88 | |
LeVallee 10ml | $28.00 | |
LeVictory 10ml | $21.00 | |
LeVisibility 10ml | $15.75 | |
LeVision 10ml | $19.25 | |
LeVitality 10ml | $19.25 | |
LeWakeup 10ml | $10.50 | |
LeWarm Down 10ml | $13.13 | |
LeWeightless 10ml | $14.00 | |
LeWhispering Hope 10ml | $21.00 | |
LeWisdom 10ml | $21.00 | |
LeWithin 10ml | $17.50 | |
LeWoman Wise 10ml | $18.81 |
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