Wednesday, February 4, 2015

How to Use Sugaring Paste for Hair Removal

I was introduced to sugaring about 6 months ago.  I loved it. If you have ever used hot wax, you can understand how messy and uncomfortable it can be. Don't get me wrong, anything that is going to pull your hair out is going to be a little painful, but sugaring is a lot less messy and to me seems a little less painful. Once you get the hang of it, you can use it on yourself and can save money by not going to the salon all the time. I have put together a little slideshow/video to demonstrate how easy it is to use. The results last a couple of weeks and over time thin out your hair and make them a lot less noticeable.

Check out the "how to" video

Or visit my etsy shop here.

If you are a local to Logan, Utah, please contact me and I can save you on shipping charges.

This post has been featured on the following link-ups:  The Easy Homestead, Simple Life Mom, Chickadee Homestead, Little Blog on the Homestead, No So Modern Housewife, Idlewild Alaska, A Return to Simplicity

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of this. Very interesting. I'm going to have to look more into it.
    Hope to see you again on the Homestead Blog Hop today.
